The 5 Principles Of The Law Of Attraction

Emma Randy
12 min readJul 27, 2022
Photo by Umar ben on Unsplash

The law of attraction is as old as humanity. It suggests that the same things attract each other. It reflects the German proverb “As you cry out in the woods, they answer you”. In the Law of Attraction, you attract what you feel or think about.

In essence, the Law of Attraction states that we achieve what we believe in. If we believe we are worthy of enormous love, we will materialize that love in our lives. If we believe that we will be poor, we will remain poor. If we deserve nothing, nothing will come to us.

In other words, focusing on criticism only increases it. Similarly, it is impossible to see a man who hates money being rich.

Therefore, we attract the thoughts we hold in our minds. We are what we think we are. What we manifest is the direct result of our ideas. Learn how to get what you want in life.

Principle 1 of The Law of Attraction: Understand Sympathetic Vibrations — Like attracts like

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Did you know that if two tuning forks of the same note are side by side and you strike one of them that the other will also vibrate? Like musical notes, everything in the universe vibrates. When something vibrates, it will attract anything that is on the same wavelength.

Just like animals, human beings emit a vibration for all their emotions. Happiness emits a vibration, as does success, love, etc. We create these vibrations from our thoughts. When we think of something bad, we feel bad; when we think happy thoughts, we feel good! These vibrations attract “same wavelength” vibrations by deliberation or default.

1. Attract happiness instead of unhappiness

Thoughts are magnetic and they have a frequency. All your thoughts are sent out into the Universe and they attract like a magnet anything with the same frequency. Everything that is sent out comes back to the source, which is you. So, according to Rhonda Byrne, the only reason people don’t get what they want is because they think about what they don’t want rather than what they do want.

The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity. It does not distinguish between good and bad. It captures our thoughts and sends them back to us in the form of life experiences. The Law of Attraction simply gives us what we think about.

The law of attraction is the law of creation. Quantum physicists tell us that the entire universe emerged from thought. When we become aware of this great law, we become aware of the incredible power we have: the power to think our life and create it. As we are constantly thinking, we can constantly create our life.

The Law of Attraction is totally perfect. It is precise and exact. Like the law of gravity, there are no exceptions to the law of attraction.

Our life is in our hands. We can begin to consciously choose our thoughts and thus change our lives.

We can reshape our entire life by simply changing the way we think.

2. The power of your mind

Starting today, we must become aware of the power our thoughts give us.

Your thoughts shape your future life. What you think about the most or focus on the most will manifest in your life.

Everything on this planet is subject to the law of attraction. What distinguishes human beings is that they have a discerning mind. They can choose their thoughts freely. They have the power to think intentionally and shape their entire lives with their minds.

Fear of negative thoughts. Often when people begin to understand the Big Secret, they are afraid of all the negative thoughts that might come into their minds.

Rhonda Byrne explains that if we fear negative thoughts, we will only feed that worry, and those negative thoughts will multiply. She invites us to decide right now that we will only think positive thoughts. It is also essential to develop our intuition and to declare to the Universe that all our positive thoughts are powerful and that all negative thoughts are insignificant.

To help us control and calm our mind, we can use meditation.

Without exception, all of the teachers quoted in this book use meditation on a daily basis. Indeed, meditation can be powerful. It calms the mind, helps us control our thoughts and revitalizes our bodies. According to Rhonda Byrne, three to ten minutes a day is enough time to exert an already powerful control over our thoughts.

To be the master of our thoughts. To become aware of our thoughts, we can also formulate the following intention: “I am the master of my thoughts”.

You are a human transmission tower and you emit a frequency with your thoughts. If you want to change something in your life, change this frequency by changing your thoughts.

In conclusion of this first principle, be positive and decide what we want to be, do and have. We must then imbue our mind with these thoughts and emit the corresponding frequency. In this way, this projection will become, according to the author, our life.

Principle 2 of The Law of Attraction: Raise Your Vibration — It’s Important to Feel Good

Photo by Andre Furtado on Unsplash

There are only two types of feelings — good and bad. Have you ever noticed that when you wake up in a bad mood, your day never goes well? You don’t hear your alarm clock ring, you splash coffee on your shirt, you miss your bus, you arrive late at work and your day seems to be a series of unpleasant problems.

The Law of Attraction responds to your negative emotions (low vibrations) by bringing you more negative situations. But when you start your day with positive thoughts, the rest follows… And it even becomes contagious. It seems that the universe is conspiring to make your life more beautiful. So you must master this principle by feeding the good vibrations of your intention.

1. The tragedies of the past are also the consequences of the law of attraction

Often, when people first hear about attracting circumstances, they think of all the tragedies of the past that resulted in countless deaths. They find it incomprehensible that so many people could have attracted such events to themselves.

For Rhonda Byrne, there is no doubt. According to the law of attraction, they have tuned into a frequency that corresponds to these catastrophes.

This does not necessarily mean that they thought about these particular events, but the frequency of their thoughts matched the frequency of the circumstances:

If people believe that they can be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and that they have no control over external circumstances, these thoughts focused on fear, separation, and powerlessness, if persistent, can actually cause them to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

2. Appealing to our feelings

Since it is impossible to control all our thoughts. Rhonda Byrne suggests an easier way to make the Law of Attraction work: it’s to use our feelings.

Our feelings are, in fact, excellent tools for shaping our lives. They tell us very quickly what we are thinking:
To know how you feel, ask yourself how you feel. Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking.

It’s very simple:

  • Negative emotions (depression, anger, resentment, guilt) make us feel bad;
  • Positive emotions (excitement, joy, gratitude, love) make us feel good.

Therefore, it is important to follow your heart and seize the moments when you feel good and nourish them. Indeed, each time we feel good, we powerfully attract more good things to us.

At this point, I invite you to intentionally use our feelings. To do this, we can simply give more intensity to our emotions. This will transmit a more powerful frequency and thus promote the manifestation of an event.

3. Love, the greatest emotion!

We all agree that there is no greater power in the Universe than the power of love. This feeling is the highest frequency we can emit.

So the greater the love we feel and emit, the greater the power we bring to bear on others and ourselves.

If you could wrap your every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed.

Finally, in this second principle, remember that our power and our freedom is due to the Secret that it shares with us. Indeed, once we understand and master our thoughts and feelings, we are able to shape our own reality.

Principle 3 of The Law of Attraction: Change your mood — you have the ability

Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

If you are going through a difficult time, you can simply have intuition and change your thoughts to ones that make you smile, such as your pet, your children, your spouse, your grandchildren or your favorite music or food. Just having intuition and thinking about these things will raise your vibration and help you feel better. Make it a habit to hold this positive thought for 16 seconds.

1. The Creative Process

You are a creator and creation becomes an easy process thanks to the law of attraction. To create what we want, we should follow these 3 simple steps:

Step One: Ask
This is about choosing what we want to achieve. This is an opportunity for us to determine our desires clearly and precisely. Once we have formulated these desires in our mind, we ask.

Step Two: Believe
This step consists in believing that we already have what we want. We must have complete and absolute faith. “Believing” implies acting, speaking and thinking as if we have already received what we have asked for.

When we do this, the Law of Attraction sets in motion the circumstances, people and events that will allow us to receive what we ask for.

Step three: Receive
It is not a matter of intellectually believing in something. We must have a feeling corresponding to this belief in order to have enough power to generate the manifestation of what we want in our life. In short, we must feel it!

Don’t delay. Don’t hesitate. Do not doubt. When the opportunity presents itself, when the impulse is there, when an intuitive push calls to us, act.

Simply trust your instincts: It is the Universe that inspires us. It is the Universe that communicates with us by tuning into the frequency of reception.

2. How long does it take?

For the Universe, the notions of time and size do not exist.

The notion of size, has, in reality, no importance for the Universe […]. The Universe does not need time to materialize what we desire. For him, it is as easy to create a dollar as a million dollars.

It is not, therefore, longer or more difficult to attract something we consider huge than something we consider infinitely small. In fact, the time frame depends on how long it takes us to be positive and come to believe, know and feel that we already have what we want.

However, starting to ask for small things is an easy way to see the Law of Attraction in action. For Rhonda Byrne, by powerfully projecting the intention to attract a small thing, we will become aware of our power of attraction. We will then become more ambitious and aim higher.

Principle 4 of The Law of Attraction: Practice the following four-step process that allows you to “deliberately create”

Photo by Reuben Mcfeeters on Unsplash

First, identify what you don’t want; then, be clear about what you do want; then, imagine the feeling of having those things; finally, allow the Universe to bring those things to you.


Gratitude is a fundamental element of the teachings of all the great masters who have gone before us.

She herself confides that in all that she has read and experienced in her life while applying the Secret, it is the power of gratitude that is most important to her:
If you do only one thing with the knowledge of the Secret, choose to express your gratitude until it becomes a way of life.

As soon as we begin to see differently what we already have, we attract more good things. According to her, thoughts and feelings outside of this gratitude are negative emotions (jealousy, resentment, dissatisfaction, feelings of incompleteness). This is why gratitude is absolutely essential if we want to enrich our lives.

I even encourage you to express our thanks in advance in order to “turbocharge” our desires and send a powerful signal into the Universe. For example, in the first step of the Secret creation process, we can write our requests on paper and start each sentence with “I am so happy and grateful now that…”.

2. Visualization

Visualization is also a process that has been taught by all the great masters, ancient and contemporary. It is :

The process by which we create in our minds an image of ourselves that would have already had its wish granted.

The reason visualization is so powerful is that by creating images in our mind of ourselves having what we want, we generate thoughts and feelings associated with the materialization of our desires.

When we visualize:

  • Always focus deeply on the end result: We need to generate powerful thoughts and emotions, as they would be if we already had what we want. The Law of Attraction then returns this reality to us, exactly as we imagined it.
  • Feeling the corresponding emotion: Our feelings must see the materialization of it without worrying about the “how”. Our mind and our whole being see the event as having already happened.
  • Put a lot of movement in the images we project: When we project an image in our mind and feel it, we put ourselves in a state of believing that what it represents already belongs to us. We thus confirm our trust and faith in the Universe.

Principle 5 of The Law of Attraction: Let the Law of Attraction work with the absence of any doubt

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Let (without the slightest doubt or resistance) the Law of Attraction bring you what you want. If you have the slightest doubt that what you want will manifest, it will delay the Law of Attraction from bringing it to you.

1. Resistance is futile

Resisting something is like trying to change the external images after they have been transmitted. It is useless. Instead, we must turn inward and send out a new signal with our thoughts and feelings to create a new picture.

Furthermore, by resisting what has just appeared, we only add energy and power to those images we don’t like. We only attract more of them, because we are powerfully bound to them by emotion. It is then not possible to help the world by focusing on negative events. Instead of dwelling on the world’s problems, we need to channel our attention and energy into trust, love, abundance, education and peace.

Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said, “I will never participate in an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me. She knew. She understood the Secret.

In the idea of the Secret, we need to turn our attention away from what we don’t want (and all the emotional charge that surrounds it) and focus on what we do want to experience.

Conversely, by focusing on good things, we feel good. As a result, we attract more good things into the world and into our own lives. So when we feel good, we lift our lives and lift the world!

2. The Universe is abundant

The truth is that there is an abundance of everything. Creative ideas abound. There is more than enough power, more than enough love and more than enough joy. And all of this begins to manifest through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.
You need to know that;

  • The things we can attract into our lives with our thoughts are unlimited because our ability to think is unlimited;
  • The Universe offers everything, to everyone, through the law of attraction.

Thus, all we have to do is draw from an inexhaustible reservoir through our thoughts and feelings. We will never run out of good things, because there is enough for everyone. Life was designed for abundance.

The essence of this law is that we must think abundance: see abundance, feel abundance, believe in abundance and succeed through thought. It is therefore essential that we do not allow any thoughts of scarcity to enter our minds.

Furthermore, it is important to praise and bless everything the world has to offer (including our enemies). In this way, we eliminate all negativity and discord, tuning into the highest frequency of all: love.



Emma Randy

Sharing the best self-improvement tips and personal growth ideas that will help you build a fulfilling life.